CHC2D – Unit 1 – Lesson 1: Introduction to WWI



60 minutes

Lesson Objective

  • To explore the main countries involved in WWI.

Lesson Outcomes

✓ Match key war facts and statistics.

✓ Recap world Geography.

✓ Name the main countries involved in WWI.

✓ Locate these countries on a map

The Lesson


  1. Mind Maze… Letter Change.
  2. Starter: Triple Alliance – Triple Entente – Who were they?
  3. Task 1: Video Introduction to WWI.
  4. Task 2: Countries involved in WWI | Geographical Skill – Mapping Activity.
  5. Task 3: WWI By Numbers | Analysing the Statistics
  6. Task 3: WWI By Numbers | Question response.
  7. Review: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

GlobalGeek Resources

External Resources

The Causes of WWI