CHC2D – Unit 1 – Lesson 2: Causes of WWI | Part 1



60 minutes

Lesson Objective

  • Explore the five main causes of WWI.

Lesson Outcomes

✓ Recall the main players in WWI.

✓ Understand the M.A.N.I.A Acronym.

✓ Explain the five main causes of WWI.

The Lesson


  1. Mind Maze… Word Ladder!
  2. Starter: Lesson 1 Recap.
  3. Alliances Scenario | Into to Alliances.
  4. Alliances Scenario | Class Discussion.
  5. MANIA | Causes of WWI | Class Discussion.
  6. MANIA | Scavenger Hunt.
  7. MANIA | Teacher led Consolidation.
  8. The Domino Effect | Teacher led Instruction.
  9. Review: MANIA Cartoons.

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