CGW4U – Unit 1 – Lesson 7: Population Policies – Ageing Populations



100 minutes

Lesson Objective

  • To learn about ageing population.

Lesson Outcomes

  • To define and calculate ageing dependency ratios.
  • To explain the problems caused by an ageing population.
  • To analyse how France have tried to boost their fertility rate

The Lesson


  1. Riddle me this…
  2. Starter: Key Terms Dominoes.
  3. The Ageing Ratio [teacher led instruction and note taking].
  4. Task 1 | DICE Report Analysis [individual task].
  5. Task 2 | France Pro-Natalist Policy Investigation [individual task].
  6. Task 3 | Creative Ways to up the Birth Rate [individual task].
  7. Review: Peer Testing! [paired task].

GlobalGeek Resources

External Resources

France | Case Study