CGG3O – Unit 2 – Lesson 4: Protecting Natural Environments



100 minutes

Lesson Objective

  • To examine how UNESCO protect natural environments.

Lesson Outcomes

  • šDescribe what UNESCO is and what they do with respect to the travel and tourism industry.
  • Explain what a Biosphere Reserve is and the benefits of designating spaces as such.
  • Explain what a World Heritage Site is and the benefits of designating spaces as such.

The Lesson


  1. Starter: Guess the Acronym!
  2. How can we protect our Natural Enviornment? Class Discussion.
  3. Task 1 | Who are UNESCO and what do they do? Video Activity.
  4. UNESCO Success Stories | Teacher led note taking.
  5. Biosphere Reserves | Teacher led note taking.
  6. Task 2 | Biosphere Research Task.
  7. World Heritage Sites | Teacher led note taking.
  8. Task 3 | World Heritage Sites Research Task.
  9. Review: Potential Heritage Sites Analysis.

Assignment 2.2 | Tourism and the Natural Environment

GlobalGeek Resources

External Resources