100 minutes
Lesson Objective
- To learn about the production possibilities curve.
Lesson Outcomes
- To define economics.
- To explain the difference between Positive and Normative Statements .
- To explain the Basic Laws and Fallacies of Economics.
The Lesson
- Starter: Camping Trip Ice Breaker!
- Task 1 | 5 Minute Challenge! What is Economics?
- What is Economics? | Teacher led instruction and note taking.
- Microeconomics vs. Macroeconomics | Teacher led instruction and note taking.
- Task 2 | Economics in the News!
- Positive and Normative Statements | Teacher led instruction and note taking.
- Task 3 | Positive and Normative Statements
- Economic Fallacies | Teacher led instruction and note taking.
- Task 4 | Name that fallacy!
- Review: Economics and the five senses!