Part A. Global Interactions and Global Power

Conceptual Understanding:

Key Question:

How does global power and global influence vary spatially?

Key Content:

  • Globalisation indices showing how countries participate in global interactions
  • Global superpowers and their economic, geopolitical and cultural influence

• Detailed examples of at least two actual or potential global superpowers

Powerful organizations and global groups:
• G7/8, G20 and Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) groups
• Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) influence over energy policies
• global lending institutions, including the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and New Development Bank (NDB)

Synthesis, evaluation and skills opportunities
How wealthy and powerful places exist at varying scales, and how the global map is complex and subject to change

Tuesday 09 May 2023

Globalisation – A Refresher

“Globalisation is the growing interdependence of countries worldwide through an increasing volume and variety of cross-border transactions in goods and services and of international capital flows, and through the more widespread diffusion of technology”

Starter: Who do you think are the top 5 most globalised countries in the world?

Main Task:

Create a wall display about globalisation using the card sort provided and the resources below. You can use the actual cards in the wall display, or summarise the information into your own words.

Sort out the cards into the following categories to help you with your display.

  • A definition of globalisation (1 card)
  • Quotes about globalisation (6 cards)
  • Map of globalisation (1 card) – you will need to add labels to show the top globalised countries according to the KOF and DHL index which you will find out about in the cards!
  • Factors leading to the spread of globalisation (10 cards)
  • Types of globalisation (4 cards)
  • How to measuring globalisation (6 cards)
  • Globalisation Indices (2 cards)
  • Graphs/pictures/infographics (4 cards)
  • Positives if globalisation (5 cards) – colour code according to environment, social, cultural political and economic.
  • Negatives of globalisation (5 cards) – colour code according to environment, social, cultural political and economic.

DHL Globalisation Report

League Table of KOF Rankings

Measuring Globalisation:


In preparation for next week’s lesson on Superpowers, watch the excellent 30 minute lecture below by Prof Alasdair Pinkerton from November 2020. Take notes on the content including:

  • The definition of a superpower.
  • How the term superpowers was coined.
  • Who the original superpowers.
  • Links with nuclear capabilities.
  • The modern day superpowers.
  • Superpowers of the future. 

Thursday 11 May 2023

Global Superpowers

Starter: Discussion of video from homework.

Task 1. Each of you will choose to study two of the music videos below (take two different ones each). Your task will be to watch the videos, study the lyrics and then recognise the links to disputes between superpowers.  Record your findings on a copy of the worksheet below.

Lesson 3. Superpowers Music Video Worksheet (Google Doc)

USA / USSR Power Struggle and the rise of China…

Task 2. Using the video below, familiarise yourself with The USA, the USSR and the Cold War of 1947 – 91. Take notes on key places, key people and key dates. Aim for 15 pieces of information in total.

“This truly marked the end of the cold war and the world was left with one superpower – the USA”

Task 3. Watch the video below that charts the United States of America’s rise to become the current largest global superpower. The first 3:15 minutes is good for recap and particularly for the League of Nations.

​You should focus on the time period post WW2 and paying attention to the formation of the United Nations & Breton Woods Agreement (World Bank & IMF) as well as NATO. 6:60 onward is excellent for post Cold War information.  

Complete the worksheet below following the tasks set out. 

Lesson 3. The USA – The Making of a Superpower (Google Doc)

​Task 4. Study this 2017 article from Forbes online. Highlight/note down the key areas of text that give clues as to China’s growing prominence as a global superpower.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

Powerful organizations and global groups…

Starter: How much do you know about International Organisations?

Take this quiz and find out!

Assessed Project:

For this piece of work, we will be splitting up to work on powerful organisations and groups. You will each choose to study two of the powerful organisations outlined below.

  1. The G7
  2. The G20
  3. OPEC
  4. The OECD
  5. The World Bank
  6. The IMF

Below, you will find a resources wall where you can find further information. You objective is to research your organisation / group and provide a short presentation and completed notes sheet to your peers. 

Starter: Watch the video below…

Task 1. Using the framework research grid below, use both the video and news story links below, plus your own research to find out and then share with your peers how powerful organizations and global groups exist at varying scales, and how membership is complex and subject to change.

Lesson 4 Notes Framework (Google Doc)

The G7

The G7 News Story

OPEC Oil ‘Cartel’

OPEC News Story

The G20

G20 News Story


OECD News Story

The World Bank

World Bank News Story


IMF News Story

Task 2. With your completed fact sheets, you should now be able to answer the following 6 mark questions. Write a response to TWO of them.

  • Evaluate the need for the G7 and the G20.
  • How might OPEC influence the price of oil? 
  • Explain the difference between the World Bank and the IMF.
  • Explain the difference between the World Bank and the New Development Bank. 
  • Outline the key common weaknesses of three of the groups above.