CGG3O – Unit 1 – Lesson 2: Types of Tourism



100 minutes

Lesson Objective

  • To learn about the different types of tourism.

Lesson Outcomes

  • šDescribe the different types of tourism.
  • Assess why people would want to visit a variety of different locations.
  • Learn to use Google my Maps by creating a map of the places you have travelled to.
  • Identify the types of tourism that you have participated in.

The Lesson


  1. Starter: Guess the Holiday Destination!!
  2. Task 1 | Types of Tourism | Unscramble Anagram.
  3. Types of Tourism | Teacher led note taking and discussion
  4. Task 2 | Types of Tourism | Video Task.
  5. Task 3 | Types of Tourism | Photo Analysis.
  6. Task 4 | Travel and Tourism Map.
  7. Review: Time for TEDTalk…

GlobalGeek Resources

External Resources

How to be a Tourist | TEDTalk