100 minutes
Lesson Objective
- To learn about tourism.
Lesson Outcomes
- Describe different perspectives of studying travel and tourism.
- List and describe factors that motivate people to travel.
- List and describe barriers that prevent people from travelling.
- Learn to use Google my Maps by creating a map of the places you have travelled to.
The Lesson
- Starter: Tourism Word Cloud.
- What is this course about? Video Activity.
- Task 1 | What is tourism?| Class Discussion.
- Perspectives of Tourism | Teacher led note taking and discussion
- Task 2 | Why do People Travel? | Paired brainstorm.
- Task 3 | Travel Motivators | Paired brainstorm.
- Task 4 | Barriers to Travel | Paired Brainstorm.
- The Language Barrier | Article Analysis.
- Task 5 | Barriers to Travel | Individual Activity.
- Task 6 | Travel and Tourism Map?
- Review: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.