Social Studies 12 – Population Disparities – Lesson 4: What is Sustainable Development?



100 minutes

Lesson Objective

  • To learn about sustainability.

Lesson Outcomes

  • Define sustainability.
  • Explain the sustainability stool.
  • Explain the importance of sustainable development.
  • Recognize both the distinctions between the provision of humanitarian assistance and support for sustainable development, and the ways in which these efforts are often linked.

The Lesson


  1. Riddle me this…
  2. Starter: What’s the connection?
  3. What is Sustainability? [class discussion].
  4. Sustainability [teacher led instruction and note taking].
  5. Task 1 | HOME Video [class discussion].
  6. Task 2 | Who is Making a Difference? [individual task].
  7. Task 3 | Scenario Response [class discussion].
  8. Task 4 | Handout – Hand-up? [class task].
  9. Task 5 | Proverb Response | Critical Thinking [individual task].
  10. Review: Group Activity

GlobalGeek Resources

External Resources

HOME: What is Sustainable Development? Video by Mark Grimmer