100 minutes
Lesson Objective
- To learn about sustainability.
Lesson Outcomes
- Define sustainability.
- Explain the sustainability stool.
- Explain the importance of sustainable development.
- Recognize both the distinctions between the provision of humanitarian assistance and support for sustainable development, and the ways in which these efforts are often linked.
The Lesson
- Riddle me this…
- Starter: What’s the connection?
- What is Sustainability? [class discussion].
- Sustainability [teacher led instruction and note taking].
- Task 1 | HOME Video [class discussion].
- Task 2 | Who is Making a Difference? [individual task].
- Task 3 | Scenario Response [class discussion].
- Task 4 | Handout – Hand-up? [class task].
- Task 5 | Proverb Response | Critical Thinking [individual task].
- Review: Group Activity
GlobalGeek Resources
External Resources
HOME: What is Sustainable Development? Video by Mark Grimmer