CGC1W – Exploring Canadian Geography | Grade 9

Course Description

This course builds on learning in Grades 7 and 8 in geography. Students will explore relationships within and between Canada’s natural and human systems and how they interconnect with other parts of the world. Students will also examine environmental and economic issues, and their impact related to topics such as natural resources and industries, careers, land use and responsible development, and sustainability. In addition, students will understand the connections that diverse communities and individuals have with the physical environment and each other throughout Canada, including First Nations, Métis, and Inuit perspectives. Students will apply geographic thinking, use the geographic inquiry process, and use geospatial technologies throughout their investigations.

The course has five strands. Instruction and learning related to the expectations in strand A are to be interwoven with instruction and learning related to expectations from the other four strands. Strand A must not be seen as independent of the other strands. Student achievement of the expectations in strand A is to be assessed and evaluated throughout the course.

The Ontario Curriculum | Canadian World Studies | Grade 9 | 2024

The Content

The course runs for a total of 110 hours. The lessons outlined below are all structured for 60 minutes of instruction time, unless otherwise stated.

The 110 hours also includes additional time that may be allocated for assignments, tests and the independent study unit, at the teacher’s discretion.

The first and second lesson are free! Then individual lessons are priced at $5 or the whole course at $140. If you buy individual lessons then decide to buy the whole course, make your purchase, contact us, and we will refund the individuals.

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Available within the relevant lessons:

  • Assignment 1.1 My Local Area Map
  • Assignment 2.1 Plate Tectonic Map
  • Assignment 2.2 Ottawa Tornado Newspaper Article
  • Assignment 2.3 Master of Disaster
  • Assignment 2.4 Inquiry Project
  • Assignment 3.1 Rethinking Natural Resources
  • Assignment 3.2 Managing Economic Activities
  • Assignment 3.3 The Mining Scenario
  • Assignment 4.1 Population Pyramids
  • Assignment 4.2 Canada’s Population Issues
  • Assignment 4.3 Population Debate
  • Assignment 4.4 Immigration Inquiry Project
  • Assignment 5.1 School Energy Project
  • Assignment 5.2 Energy Issues Story
  • Assignment 5.3 The Windy City | Decision Making Exercise
  • Assignment 5.4 Create you own Local Meal
  • Assignment 5.5 Liveable Cities

Whole Course Resources